Wise is a great option for when you would like to send huge sums of money internationally, and receive different currencies too. This is generally not recommended for small invoices unless both parties are using Wise accounts. We generally recommend setting up an account with Wise to pay artists who use Wise as well because of the FREE transfer fees for Wise to Wise transactions. When setting up an account with Wise, they will probably ask you to verify your identity. Here is a webpage that serves as a guide for verification. It includes details such as the documents that they accept and how long they take for you to get verified.

Please note that ARS and I opened Personal accounts first before opening Business accounts. You don’t have to follow this route too, but we thought we’d let you know!

[Take note of the terms for using Wise to receive payments.](https://wise.com/acceptable-use-policy-eea#:~:text=receiving payments from family%2C friends,account to receive business payments.)

Check if Wise is available in your country.

DISCLAIMER: Wise mainly uses wire transfers and Wise to Wise transfers as the main forms of transactions. If you want to pay by card, you will have to make a Wise account, add to your balance, then perform the transfer. Kira still has her PayPal account to perform small transactions, she just uses Wise for big payments for Live2D commissions. Additionally, please keep in mind that wire reversal is VERY challenging to do compared to card chargebacks, so please make sure that the person you are performing transactions with is reliable. Check if they have a website and a refund policy (if they allow or disallow refunds), and if they are vetted by the community. Try asking people who have worked with them before too.


Wise Account Setup

Personal Account

Please note that you CANNOT hide your legal name when making transactions using a personal account, you will need a business account for this!

Wise is an e-money institution; similar to the information that is made public when you are making transactions using your personal bank account, Wise displays your legal name when using a personal account. Wise needs information because it is regulated by governments. In general, you can’t just SAFELY send money internationally anonymously and haphazardly.

You can open a Business Account without having a Personal account with Wise.

If you make transfers using your personal account, ask your artist/s if they have a policy regarding privacy of personal information.

  1. Head on over to wise.com to start setting up your Personal Account.
  2. Setting up a personal account is free, but you need to add a balance in order to receive your account details.
  3. You will need to submit a photo of yourself holding an ID for verification. Open this webpage for more details.

Business Account

People may want to open a business account in order to protect their personal information, it is also stated on the Wise Terms that you need to use [**a business account to accept business transaction](https://wise.com/acceptable-use-policy-eea#:~:text=receiving payments from family%2C friends,account to receive business payments.).**

Be also mindful because not everyone can open a business account, you need to be able to prove that you are running a business. Here’s how to get started:

  1. To Register a new Business account with Wise, you can just go to wise.com and click on Business at the top left before clicking the Register button on the top right.
  2. If you have opened a personal account first, you can open a business account by clicking on your name on the top right and then clicking “Open a Business Account”. Just fill in the necessary details.
  3. For a business account, you need to pay a one-time fee in order to get your account details and receive payments.
  4. Wise will also be needing to verify your business at some point. They may ask for ID if you haven’t verified yourself yet.

Adding Money to your Wise Balance

If you’d like to pay someone other than bank or wire transfers, we recommend adding money to your Wise Balance and paying a payment request after!

Click each card to get a larger view of the pictures and more detailed steps if available.


Sending Money

Wise to Wise transfer costs nothing or would only incur a very small fee. Unfortunately, other payment methods in Wise aren’t available when a business account makes a payment request. Please look at the previous section if you’d like to pay with card, but you will need a Wise account for the methods below to work (Wise to Wise transfers).

You can still pay someone without creating a Wise account, but you will need to make a wire transfer through your bank.



via Payment Request Link


via Send Option in Wise Balance